Sunday, July 9, 2023

Post 833 - UNA @ We Love Roleplay, Six Feet Under and Petrichor


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Outfit: Jayah Dress 
Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite), Legacy Female (Original and Perky) and eBody Reborn / Original mesh and textures / Available in 8 single colors (Dark, pink, green, red, sky, teal, violet and yellow) or as Fatpack / Fatpack includes texture HUD / Texture HUD features 16 colors for 3 faces (Shirt, skirt and triangles)  / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

All from UNA (MP / FB / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (04.07-29.07.2023) *25 % off during Event

Accessoire: Shaman Headpiece
→ Unrigged unisex Accessoire / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Includes Headpiece and Texture HUD / Texture HUD features 5 metals for 6 faces (Main Ring, Crystal holder, spikes, main decor, chain+cross and dangling cross chain), 2 colors for 3 faces (pearls main, pearls chain+cross and pearls dangling chain) and 12 gem colors for 3 faces (gems main, gems chain+cross and gems dangling chains) + hide/show dangling chains / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

Accessoires: Varkele Cuffs - Femme
→ Rigged mesh Cuffs / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Rigged for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female, eBody Reborn, Peach Body and Inithium Kupra + unrigged / Cuffs are available in 4 Style packs (Ancient, glossi, porous and scratch) or as Fatpack / Each Style pack including Cuffs and 2 HUDs (Texture HUD and Hide/show HUD) / Each texture HUD features 30 metal colors for 3 faces (Spikes, filigree and cuffs) and 45 gem colors / Hide/show HUD toggels hide or show function for 9 Sections (Collar, left upper arm, right upper arm, left wrist, right, wirst, left thigh, right tight, left ankle and right ankle ) X 3 faces each (Spikes, filigree and cuffs) / Fatpack including 1 Bonus HUD named "Variant" with 30 Extra metal colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr

Potion: Chothu Potion (Petrichor) ==> Post 349
Nails: Vaera Claws -Female (Petrichor) ==> Post 484
Lip and nose piercing: Desire (Little Fish) ==> Post 400
Eyes: Moon Eyes (PolarBunny) ==> Post 613

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Milan 3.1 (LeLUTKA
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Nareos Eyes (Petrichor)
Hair: TZ0814 Hair (Wings)

Background (Deco):
Bushes 1.0 (Fundati)
Midsummer Rustic Tree Arch EDITED (Simply Shelby)