Thursday, June 23, 2022

Post 613 - UNA @ Anthem, Dreamcatcher, Six Feet Under and PolarBunny


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Dress: Queen*
 Unisex mesh dress / Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite/flatchest), Legacy Female (Original/Perky) Legacy Male and Signature Gianni / Original mesh and textures / Includes dress and sleeves / Available in 7 colors (black, pink, pride, purple, red, sky and teal) or as fatpack / Fatpack includes 4 bonus colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From UNA (MP / FB / Flickr) @ Anthem (03.06-30.06.2021) *pride color is available for 50 L$

FYI: New Mainstore Location! Go update your LM's and visit the New Store for many gifts, promos and a totally free HUNT with awesome Items!

Accessoire: Feathers hair clips*
→ Unrigged fantasy themed unisex accessoire / Fatpack only! / Includes right and left version, texture HUD and resize HUD / Textur HUD features 2 colors for clip and 23 colors for feathers / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dreamcatcher (Instagram / FB / Flickr) * This Item is a Subscription Gift for the new webpage ReleaseFever

FYI: To get the gift follow this Steps ==> 

2. Click on the "Sign in to subscribe" button on the right.
3. Enter your SL login and click "Send code". 
4. In SL, in a local chat, a code will be sent to you. Enter it on the website. 
5. If you are redirected to another page, click on the link above again and subscribe. 
6. Click on the object attached to the message and receive a gift.

Accessoire: Spellbound Nose Chain
Unrigged unisex accessoire with resizer / Original mesh an textures/ Materials enabled / Comes with Texture HUD (4 metals for 4 faces) / Includes right and left version / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

Eyes: Moon Eyes - PACK IV

Fantasy Eyes / Includes Lelutka and OMEGA appliers, Mesh Eyes + mesh eye appliers for left and right and BOM Layers / Includes 8 colors each in two sclera styles (dark and light) / Copy only!

From PolarBunny (MP / Flickr / FB / Twitter)

Shoes: Chunk Heeled Boots "Angel" (TwoSided) ==> Post 591
Collar: Valjire Collar - Male (Petrichor) ==> Post 563

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head kane 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Hair: Solstice (Moon)
Piercings: EziliV2 (LittleFish)
Claws: ROCAILLE.Claws & Armor Rings (Pendulum)

Background (Deco):
Sombre Skybox (Varonis)