Friday, February 21, 2025

Post 1086 - Antaya and Fantasy World @ Enchantment + Amadeus, Petrichor and BeSpoke


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Dress: Gown "Susan"
→ Roleplay themed rigged mesh dress / Rigged for LaraX, Legacy Female and eBody Reborn (Original/Juicy) / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled! / Available in 4 single colors (Black/White, Blue, Pink and Red/Black) or as Fatpack / Fatpack includes texture HUD featuring 10 colors for 3 faces (Corset, top and skirt) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr / Primfeed)  @ Enchantment - Royal Kiss of Mardi Gras (14.02.2024-04.03.2025)

Accessory: Emilia crown
Roleplay themed unrigged unisex mesh accessory with resizer / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Fatpack only! / Includes 4 colors (Black, copper, gold and silver) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantasy World (Flickr / MP / FB / Primfeed) @ Enchantment - Royal Kiss of Mardi Gras (14.02.2024-04.03.2025)

Backdrop: Geometric Backdrops - 06
Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled! / Set of 15 Backdrops / Buy each Backdrop individually or as Fatpack / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Amadeus (Instagram / FB / Flickr / Primfeed)

Accessory: Thorvare Flowerfloat
→ Fantasy themed unrigged unisex mesh accessory / Available in 2 style packs (Colors and Fades) or as Fatpack / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Each pack includes Bare and Deco verison for left and right and texture HUD / Features 22 differnt bento hold animations / Each HUD features 50 colors for 3 faces (Florals, Leaves and Vines) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr / Primefeed)

Head: Frog Gizzy
→ Fantasy themed Bento rigged BOM compatible mesh Head / Custom UV Map! / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

➤ Head (female, male and neckless)
➤ Eyes
➤ 1 full body BOM Skin layers in tone "Common" (unisex)
➤ 8 BOM Eye Layers
➤ 6 shapes (Fer Female: Maitreya and Legacy and Male: Gianni, Jake Legacy and Kario)
➤ 1 Brow Shape
➤ 2 tintable BOM Tattoo Layers: Frog Addon - Pattern (Dark and light)

HUD features Pop up Menu for:
➤ 3 tongue animations
➤ 3 croaking animationd
➤ 2 face AOs: neutral and excited
➤ 9 face expressions

From BeSpoke (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter / Primefeed)

FYI: 6 more skin tones of the included Frog Gizzy - Skin are available separately for purchase, buy each individually or as a Fatpack.

Accessories: Wabbed Hands (Amadeus) ==> Post 1012

oтнer credιтѕ

What I wear:
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Claws: Demonic Touch (Aii & Ego)
Jewelry: Arina Necklace (Romazin)

Background (Deco):
Floating Rose Petals - White (Persefona)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Post 1085 - Antaya @ Abnormality and Midnight Order, Amadeus @ Cupid’s Curse + Tanaka and Trevor


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Accessory (she): Gems bra "Gemma" PBR
→ Fantasy themed rigged mesh accessory / Rigged for LaraX, Legacy Female (Original/perky) and eBody Reborn (Original/Waifu) / Original mesh and textures / PBR enabled only! / Fatpack only! / Includes Bra and texture HUD featuring 10 colors / Copy only!

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ Abnormality (07.02.-28.02.2025)

Gloves (she): Latex gloves "Keily"
→ Urban/Roleplay themed rigged mesh accessorys / Original mesh and textues / Materials enabled / Fatpack only! / Includes gloves and texture HUD featuring 10 colors / Copy only!

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ Midnight Order (20.01.-20.02.2025)

Pose: My strongman 
Bento couple Pose / Includes Poseballs and animations / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Amadeus (Instagram / FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ Cupid’s Curse (08.02.-08.03.2025)

Accessory (Both): X-Visor
Unrigged Sci-Fi/fantasy theme unisex accessory with resizer / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Available in 4 Single style packs: 2 x glasses (Grunge/Orange and SnowCamo/White) and 2 Visors (Grunge/Purple and SnowCamo/Blue) / Each pack features 10+ SFX & VFX and includes X-Visor/glasses, HUD and Flamewar meter / Single packs HUD features on/off toggle, Mouslook, select target, select dammage mode with 3 choices (Linden Damag, push and flamewar), BPL (Blast Power Level) and Laser Beam / Fatpack HUD also features model toggle with 4 choices (Visor, Glasses, Eyes-One-Beam and Eyes-Two-Beam), Change-Texture (6 metals for glasses/visor), Increase-Beam (BPL) button and Change Color Beam (11 colors) / Copy only

From Tanaka (MP / FB / Flickr / Twittter/X / Primfeed) & Trevor (MP / FB / Flickr / X / Primfeed)

Accessories: Cyber arms "Esoh-10" (Antaya) ==> Post 994

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Gaia (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Hair: Aura (Sintiklia)
Suit: Synn Latex BOM Bodysuit (13Avenue)
Shoes: Rayni Boots (Luna Chelsea)
Collar: Dwarven Collar (Soul)

Head: Head Tae (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Hair: Jack (Ade)
Pants: Azrael Pants (AsteroidBox)
Top: Rolled up top Garret (TwoSided)
Gloves: Augur's Gloves (Somnium)
Accessory: Glimbot Typer (EXCY)
Tattoo: Subdermal Cybernetics (Aerth)

Background (Deco):
Cyber Interface (Pitaya)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Post 1084 - Synnergy Tavis @ Enchantment and Dictatorshop


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Backdrop: Monteleone Room  Backdrop

Roleplay themed 360° mesh backdrop / Materials enabled / 186 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

Furniture: Heritage - Upright Piano
 Roleplay themed mesh furniture / Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / 10 LI / Matches the other Heritage Items / Available in 3 Version: PG, Adult Vanilla and Adult Kink / PG Version features over 120 bento animations (SoloPlay, SoloSit, SoloDance, Duet, CuddlesStand, CuddlesSit and Kisses) / Adult Vanilla version features over 200 bento animations (PG animations + Adult Menu: ForHer, ForHim, ChairSex and StandingSex) / Adult Kink version features over 400 bento animations (PG and Adult Vanilla animations + Adult Kink Menu: Femdom: Sits, Couple, Service, ForHerPleasure, ForHisTorment, FloorFun, HandSpank and Caning + Maledom: Chilling, TiedUp, TiedSex, HandSpank and Caning) / Texture change clicking Logo button on the front / Texture Menu features 5 woods, 4 metals and 5 fabrics / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dictatorshop (MPFB / Flickr)

Deco: Feathered Famliar (Quills & Curiosities) ==> Post 928

oтнer credιтѕ

Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Hair: Carter (Sintiklia)
Top: Alois Blouse (Rosier)
Pants + boots: Remnant Set (Toksik)

Background (Deco):
Witching Hour Candles (Raindale)
Crimson Thorn Rose Vase (Dreadfully Dark)
Great Danes (Jian)

Monday, February 17, 2025

Post 1083 - Reviver, Effervescence, Loa and Illusions @ We Love Roleplay + Six Feet Under and Aelithe


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Skin: Xeridane EVO X Skin* 
→ BOM skin for Lelutka EvoX heads / Available in 1 Skin tone: Dark Elf (Velour) / Includes X evox layers: Skin, purple eyeshadow, red lips, undereyes black still, face paint red and EvoX Ear layer / Copy Only!

From Reviver (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter/X / Instagram / Primfeed) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.02-28.02.2024) *30 % off during Event!

Tattoo: Veeva Tattoo
→ Roleplay/Fantasy themed upper body tatoo / Fatpack only! / Includes 17 color of BOM Layers and materials appliers for Lelutka EvoX, AK ADVX, Maitreya Lara, Legacy F/M, eBody Reborn, Belleza GenX, Maze, Signature F/M and Intihium F/M / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Effervescence (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.02-28.02.2024) *25% off during Event!

Eyes: Amara Eyes
 Fantasy themed applier, mesh und BOM Eyes / Available in 4 style packs or as fatpack / Each style pack includes 4 colors as BOM Layers and Appliers for Catwa HD Pro, lelutka Evo/EvoX, mesh and OMEGA / Copy only!

From Loa (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram)  (04.02-28.02.2024) *Style packs are 25% off and Fatpack is 65% off during Event!

Ears: Drow Ears Gauged S
 Fantasy themed rigged mesh ears for EvoX / Fatpack only! / Original mesh and textures (+PBR!) / Includes female and male fit / Includes tintable Unicersal BOM layers 3 base skin layers (dark, light and medium) Highlight and Shadow layers in 7 shades and 1 Seam Fix / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Illusions (MP / Flickr / Primfeed) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram)  (04.02-28.02.2024) *20% off during Event! 

Jewelry: Eldritch Gauges
Goth/Dark themed rigged Earrings / Rigged for Swallow Gauged S and XL / Includes left, right and linked version for female and male and HUD / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Fatpack only! / HUD features 9 metals for 5 faces, 2 colors for base and 12 gem colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter/X / Instagram / Primfeed

Pose: Necrotic
Roleplay themed bento solo pose / Pack includes poseball, animations, Magic Orb and Spellbook Prop / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aelithe (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed)

Skybox: The Font of Souls (Quills & Curiosities) ==> Post 350
Outfit: Leather top and panties "Inga" (Antaya) ==> Post 677

oтнer credιтѕ

What I wear:
Head: Head Lilith (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Hair: No Balance (No Match)
Claws: Demonic Touch (Aii & Ego)

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Post 1082 - Lumae, Aerth and Rubedo @ We Love Roleplay + Lovelysweet, Nefekalum and Duplexity @ Enchantment


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Skin: Jasper EVO X Skin (Tone: Berry)*
BOM skin for Lelutka EvoX heads / Available in 12 Skin tones (Astral, Azure, Candy, Crimson, Frost, Haze, Lilac, Midian, Mist, Peony, Selki and Shadow) / Each tone including dark, light and browless versions with or w/o freckles (2 freckles versions) + Layers for EvoX Ears and Swallow Ears / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Lumae (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter/X / Instagram / Primfeed) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.02-28.02.2024) *This is a NEW Skintone! 10 female, 2 male and 2 fantasy head skin's are available! Head Skins are 30 % off during Event!

Tattoo: Soleil Tattoos
Roleplay/Fantasy themed Body tattoo / Fatpack only! / Includes 16 color of BOM Layers and materials appliers for Lelutka EvoX, Maitreya Lara, Legacy and eBody Reborn / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter/X / Primfeed) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.02-28.02.2024) *25% off during Event!

Make-up: Amira
Fantasy themed EvoX BOM Make-up / Fatpack only! / Includes 14 layers: Eye Make-up in 12 colors and 2 hearts (for left and right) / Copy only!

From Rubedo (MP / FB / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram)  (04.02-28.02.2024) *20% off during Event!

Eyes: Voodoo Queen Eyes Set
Fantasy themed unisex Eyes / Fatpack only! / Includes 12 colors in 2 Styles as BOM layers, Lelutka and OMEGA Appliers / Copy only!

From Lovelysweet (MP / Instagram / Flickr / Primfeed) soon @ Enchantment - Royal Kiss of Mardi Gras  (Website / FB / Flickr / Instagram) (14.02.2024-04.03.2025) *25% off during Event!

Accessory: Masquerade
→ Unrigged roleplay themed unisex mesh accessory with resizer / Original mesh and textures / Materials and PBR enabled / Fatpack only! / Includes crown (Fallback and PBR) and texture HUD's / HUD features 7 metals for 3 faces and 30 colors for ribbons / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Nefekalum (MP/ Flickr / FB / X / Primfeed)  soon @ Enchantment - Royal Kiss of Mardi Gras  (Website / FB / Flickr / Instagram) (14.02.2024-04.03.2025) 

Decoeation: Spellbound Mystique Panels
Roleplay/Fantasy themed mesh deco / Original mesh and textures / PBR enabled only! / 1-3 LI  /  Includes 2 Verisons ( Mardi Gras and Runic) + Individual pieces / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Duplexity (MPFlickr / FB / Primfeed)  soon @ Enchantment - Royal Kiss of Mardi Gras  (Website / FB / Flickr / Instagram) (14.02.2024-04.03.2025) *25% off during Event!

oтнer credιтѕ

What I wear:
Head: Head Wade (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Hair: Peyton (Exile)
Lipstick: Dark Ombre lipstick (Nuve)
Claws: Demonic Touch (Aii & Ego)
Top: Bill Harness (Midna)

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Post 1081 - TwoSided @ Man Cave, Trevor and LittleFish


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Pants: My cool sweats
→ Rigged for Belleza Jake, Legacy Male (Original/Athletic), Signature Gianni, Inithium Kario (Flex/Fit), Anatomy Body and CZSlim / Available in 3 color/style packs or as Fatpack / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled (+PBR) / Each pack Includes pants and texture HUD's featuring 12 colors for 3 faces (Hems, ropes and stripes) / Basic and color pack HUD's featuring 6 colors / Text texture HUD feauters 2 colors and 6 graphics for 2 faces (left and right leg) / Copy only!

From TwoSided (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ Man Cave (17.01.-11.02.2025)

Accessory:  Pyro Fist*
→ Unigged fantasy themed unisex accessory / Available in 9 single colors (Cyan, blue, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white and yellow) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes pyrofist (left and right hand), 2 gestures (Ond/off for Aura and Melee), 2 Meter (Flamewar and Snowwar System) and HUD / Single Packs HUD featuring 2 functions (Aura and Melee toggle) / Fatpack HUD also features 1 Skill (Punch Flame Ground) and color change / Copy only!

From Trevor (MP / FB / Flickr / X / Primfeed*Group Gift! You can win every day one of 9 colors or the Fatpack simply by visiting the Mainstore and clicking the Group Gift board! Group is FREE!

Lip Piercing: Noor
→ Rigged for all Lelutka Heads up to Camila & Camden / Available as till now 10 Minipacks for females (PACK A: Erin, Lake, Nova and Nuri / PACK B: Lilly, River, Fleur and Ryn / PACK C: Irina, Zora and Sasha / PACK D: Avalon, Briannon and Ceylon / PACK E: Gaia, Halle and Inez / PACK F: Kaya, Milan and Ora / PACK G: Prim , Raven and Siwa / PACK H: Ubon, Vivian, Xia and Zo / PACK I: Lilith,Noel and Billie / PACK J: Sugar, Camila tbc... / And also available as till now 7 Minipacks for males (PACK A: Skyler, Connor and Luka / PACK B: Kane, Paxton and Alain / PACK C: Devon, Eon and Ford / PACK D: Gen, Jon and Logan / PACK E: Noa , Quinn, and Tae / PACK F: Wade, Yves and Kris / PACK G: Aaron, Camden, tbc...) / Includes HUD featuring 25 Metals for 3 faces + Materials function (none/low/med/high) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From LittleFish (MP / FB / Flickr)

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Tae (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Hair: Lyrical (Truth)
Eyes: Haku Eyes (YOSHI)
Claws: The Claws V.2 (Conviction)
Brows: Emily Eyebrows (Nuve)

Background (Deco):
Backdrop - Training Room (PALETO)

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Post 1080 - Antaya @ Shotgun Pop-Up Event, KIB Designs, Synnergy Tavis and Dictatorshop


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Backdrop: From Vegas with love - Backdrop 
→ Urban themed mesh Backdrop / Original mesh and textues / 111 LI / Materials enabled (PBR only!) / Fatpack only! / Includes Backdrop only! / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ Shotgun Pop-Up Event (19.01.-16.02.2025)

Top: Quintessa Top
→ Urban themed mesh top / Rigged for Maitreya Lara (LaraX/PetiteX), Legacy Female (Original/Perky), and eBody Reborn (Original/Waifu) / Available in 10 single colors or as Fatpack / Including top in 2 versions (normal and big booty) / Fatpack also includes texture HUD featuring 10 colors  for top / Copy only!

From KIB Designs (MP / Flickr / Primfeed

Accessories: Rosalie - Holdable
→ Unrigged valentine/urban themed mesh accessoires / Materials enabled / Includes Heart Bag and Dozen Roses in 3 colors (for left and right) + Heart Headband /  Heart Bag and Dozen Roses featuring bento hold animation when attached / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Synnergy Tavis (MP / FB / Instsgram / Flickr / Primfeed)

Furniture: Frosted - Chair 
 Holiday/Winter themed mesh furniture / Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / 5 LI / Matches the other Frosted Items / Available in 2 Version: PG and Adult Kink / PG Version features 156 bento animations / Adult Vanilla version features 320 bento animations / Animations including solos and MF animations (PG/Femdom/Maledom) / Texture change clicking Logo button on the back / Texture Menu features 6 pattern and 6 solids for throw and 14 pattern and 10 solids for pillows / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dictatorshop (MPFB / Flickr)

Decoration: Valentine - Swirl Lamp (Dictatorshop) ==> Post 949
Mistyspirit rug (Raindale)


oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Lilith (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Legend Eyes - Sky (Ikon)
Hair: Carter (Sintiklia) @ Midnight Order (20.01.-20.02.2025)
Tattoo: Darkness Tattoo (Arana)
Claws: Baby Boomer Gels (Veechi)
Pants: Stella - Jeans (Little Fox)
Make-up:  Valentine's Make-Up Set (Izzie's)

Background (Deco):
House Plants 2 - Set of 3 (what next)
Charlotte Plant Pot - Bird of Paradise (Zerkalo)
Ficus Drupacea Vase (Mithral)

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Post 1079 - Aerth, Antaya, BeSpoke and UNA


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Tattoo: Soothsayer Bodypaint
→ Roleplay/Fantasy themed Body tattoo for SLUV and EVOX / Fatpack only! / Includes 1 color only / Each in 10 tintable BOM Layers (10% - 90% transparency options + opaque) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter/X / Primfeed

Accessory: Unisex laurel wreath "Asimina"
Roleplay themed unrigged unisex mesh accessory / Fatpack only! / Includes laurel wreath and texture HUD / HUD features 8 colors / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Antaya (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed)

Head: Fae Raziel + Fae Skin "Winter"
Fantasy themed Bento rigged BOM compatible mesh Head / EvoX only! / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

➤ Head with ears (female, male and neckless)
➤ Eyes
➤ Teeth
➤ Eyelashes
➤ 2 full body BOM Skin layers in tone "Natural" (female and male)
2 universal Layers for EvoX ears (female and male)
➤ 9 BOM Eye Layers
➤ 2 shapes ( For female and male)
➤ 1 Brow Shape

HUD features Pop up Menu for:
➤ Talking: On/Off
➤ Ears: Ears/NoEars
➤ Animations: 2 AOs, 1 High prio AO and Stopp All
➤ Poses: 3 jaw poses and 3 eye poses + Stop function
➤ Gestures: 4 gestures (Angry, Cute, Sad and Smile) + Stop All

From BeSpoke (MP / FB / Flickr / Twitter / Primefeed)

FYI: 7 more skin tones of the included Fae Skin are available separately for purchase, buy each individually or as a Fatpack.

Shoes: Rio Boots
→ Rigged mesh shoes / Original mesh and textures / Rigged for Maitreya LaraX, Legacy Female and eBody Reborn / Available in 6 colors or as Fatpacks / Fatpack features 13 extra colors (19 colors in total) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From UNA (MP / FB / Flickr / Primefeed

Outfit: Xena Dress (UNA) ==> Post 1011

oтнer credιтѕ

What I wear:
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Halloween Eyes Set - Eyes 02 (YOSHI)
Brows: Darcy v3 Eyebrows (Nuve)
Hair: WINGS GG 04 (WingsDG)
Wings: Fairy Wings Blue (REKT)
Claws: Demonic Touch (Aii & Ego)

Background (Deko):
Enchwood collection (Raindale)
Lillybell (Raindale)
Daisyshine collection (Raindale)
Starglimmer collection (Raindale)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Post 1078 - Amadeus and Del-ka Aedilis


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Coat: Johnson - mini coat
→ Medieval themed rigged mesh accessory / Rigged for Belleza Jake, Legacy Male and Inithium Kairo / Fatpack only! / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Includes coat and texture HUD / Texture HUD features 7 fur colors and 7 colors for coat / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Amadeus (Instagram / FB / Flickr / Primfeed)

Building: Laketown Series - House Girion
 Medieval themed mesh Building / Orignal mesh and textures / Materials enabled / 83 LI / Includes deco elements and piers / Features Kool door scripted doors with access list per click / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis (MP / Flickr)

Accessoire: Firefly Lantern (Quills & Curiosities) ==> Post 561
Pants: Cryptdweller Bottoms (Quills & Curiosities) ==> Post 483
Accessories: Gentleman's Manicure (Quills & Curiosities) ==> Post 871

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Skyler (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Eyes: Babylon Eyes - Crimson (IKON)
Hair: No Capital (No Match)
Jewelry: Necromancer Necklace (Elemental)
Top: The Baron Vest (THIRST)

KZK Direwolf - Large (Kinzart Productions)
KZK Direwolf Pose- Prowl (Flying Horse Head Studios)

Backdrop (Deco):
Snappy Grass (celeste.sanct)
Enchanted Woods (Skye)

Post 1077 - Petrichor, Extra, Trevor and Fantasy World


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Accessory: Grimoire Books
→ Fantasy themed unrigged unisex mesh accessory / Available in 6 style packs (Academia, Flourish, Leather I, Leather II, Leather III and Stripe) or as Mega/Fatpack / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Each pack includes HUD and Book with 14 differnt bento hold animations: downhold, fronthold, fronthold wide, hold cross, outhold and underarm hold (each for left an right) + carry left, low hold right and no pose / Each HUD features 40-50 options for book cover, 30 colors for pages and 50 metals / Fatpack also includes 2 extra HUDs (30 fades for pages and 40 metals miscs) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr / Primefeed

Pose (him): Holiday Hunt 2024 - Pose 4
 Bento solo pose / Includes Poseballs and animations / Normal and mirror poses included (with and w/o face animations) / Former hunt item! / Buy this pose separately or in the 'Holiday Hunt 2024' Fatpack* with 4 other poses (3 solo and 1 couple pose) / Copy only!

From Extra (MP / Flickr / FB / Primefeed

Accessory: Blaze Sphere
Unrigged fantasy theme unisex accessory / Available in 4 packs (Blue, green, purple and white) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes HUD, Sphere and Meter + is Flamewar Combat System Compatible featuring 1 Skill (Fire Shoot) and Typer Animation / Fatpack also feature a extra Skill (Blaze Bomb) and 7 extra colors (Cyan, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Orange, Pink, Red and Yellow) / Copy only

From Trevor (MP / FB / Flickr / X / Primfeed)

Outfit: Sophia dress-top
Urban/Kawaii themed rigged mesh dress / Rigged for Maitreya Lara, Legacy female (Original, Perky and Perky Petite) and eBody Reborn (Original and Juicy) / Original mesh and textures / Fatpack only! / Includes dress, top and texture HUDs / Dress texture HUD features 19 colors for dress and hide/show Flowers / Top textue HUD features 2 styles (Lace and opaque) in 19 colors / Copy only!

From Fantasy World (Flickr / MP / FB / Primfeed)

Lip Piercing (her): Desire (LittleFish) ==> Post 400
Face Piercing (her): Laila (LittleFish) ==> Post 914

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Noel (LeLUTKA)
Body: eBODY - Reborn (eBODY)
Eyes: Domestication and Hunter Collection (Gloom)
Claws: Smokey Ombre - Stilettos (Veechi)
Hair: Moesha Braids (Camo)

Head: Head Tae (LeLUTKA)
Body: Jake V3 BOM/Bento (Belleza)
Eyes: Hunter Collection (Gloom)
Ears: Pixie L.E.X (Andore)
Earrings: Yigrat (Andore)
Hair: NA10 (Dura)
Outfit: Vinny Set/Outfit (Fake Society)
Claws+Rings: Kingslayer Ring Set (CerberusXing)

Backdrop (Deco):
Library (Dirty Rat)