Thursday, August 12, 2021

Post 349 - Aerth and Petrichor @ Wizarding Faire, Six Feet Under @ Darkness Event, Short Leash @ Midnight Order and TwoSided @ Itty Bitty Titty Committee


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Book: Grimoire Azaghun
→ Fantasy themed unrigged mesh book / Interactiv/RP firendly accessoire (emotes in open chat when you or others click Azaghun) / Emotes can be customized per notecard (Editing skills are required!) / Includes Color/Texture HUD (3 metals for chain, chain hoops and eye ring, 6 textures for book cover and 7 colors for eye) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr) @ Wizarding Faire (07.08-21.08.2021)

Potion: Chothu Potion
Fantasy/magic themed unrigged mesh potion / 6 differnt hold animations for left and rigt + rezzable Version / 2 LI / Includes Customizing HUD (40 colors for liquide, 28 metals and 21 colors for glass / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr) @ Wizarding Faire (07.08-21.08.2021)

Earrings/Piercings: Nisha Earrings EvoX
→ Rigged accessoire / Includes male and female version for EvoX human and elf ears / Includes texture HUD (8 metals for 7 faces and show/hide function for all different sections) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr) @ The Darkness Event (05.08.-28.08.2021)

Collar: Eldritch Collar
Materials enabled / Wearable RLV scripted accessory / Unrigged with resizer / includes Open Collar, Peanut and Whim scripted versions + non scripted version / Includes small and large fit / Comes with color/texture HUD (5 metals for metal and O-ring + 16 colors for leather) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

Fom Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB) @ Midnight Order (20.07.-20.08.2021)

Top: Top Joy V2
Available for Belleza Jake, Maitreya (Flatchest/Petite), V-tech (Maitreya/Freya), Maitreya Simple Stuff, Slink Petite (HG and PHY) and Kupra flat / Comes with 2 texture HUDs for top (10 pattern for top and hems, 10 colors and 5 fades for top and 10 colors for hems + color picker and show/hide function for bow / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From TwoSided (MP/FB/Flickr) @ The Itty Bitty Titty Committee (09.08.-23.08.2021)

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Head: Head Kane 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Jake 2.1 Bento (Belleza)
Eyes: Occulyn Eyes (Petrichor)
Haare: No Viking (No Match)
Piercings 1: EziliV2 (LittleFish)
Piercings 2: Nera 2 (BLAXIUM)
Sleeves: Spellweaver's Sleeves (Static)
Claws: The Claws V.2 (Conviction)
Rings: Ragnarok Rings (Badwolf)
Pants: Ellis Pants (AsteroidBox)
Tattoo: Vanni tattoo (Juna Artistic Tattoo)

Background (Deco): 
Zodiac Chapel Ruin (Simply Shelby)
Enchanted Woods (Studio Skye)