Friday, August 27, 2021

Post 364 - Raindale @ Shiny Shabby


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Deco: Lonewood set
→ Materials enabled / Garden/outdoor mesh deco / Available in four color packs or as Fatpack / Each color includes 8 pieces (Arch, simple arch, arch with gates, fence, longer fence, fence croner right, fence croner left and fence post / Kool door scripted gates with access list per click /  1-6 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr) @ Shiny Shabby (20.08-15.09.2021)

Deco: Magic harp
Fantasy/magic themed garden/outdoor mesh deco / Menu per Click / Includes a song Menu with 5 Songs to pick + access option and volume when clicking the harp / Clicking the roses opens a color changer menu with 10 colors to choose /  2 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

Deco/furniture: Wonderland mushrooms (basic)
→ Fantasy/magic themed garden/outdoor mesh deco / Available in three color versions (basic, frost and pastel) / 1-3 LI / Each set include 3 deco mushrooms, 1 deco mushroom with particles (on/off by touch) and 1 mushroom with solo seats (10 animations) / basic pack includes all 5 pieces in 3 colors (blue, red and purple) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

Deco: Eastspell Set
→ Materials enabled / Fantasy/magic themed garden/outdoor mesh deco / Set includes cauldron (1 LI), fire pit (2 LI) and 4 different candle (each 1LI) / Fire particles and sound by clicking the fire pit  / Comes with Mix and match Color HUD for cauldron and fire pit (6 metals for cauldron - 4 faces, 7 Stone textures for fire pit and 6 colors for potion / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

Deco/furniture: Willowbloom Set
→ Materials enabled / Garden/outdoor mesh deco/furniture / Set includes arbour (3 colours, 8 Li in default size), bench (PG and adult, 3Li), chair (2Li), table (2Li) and assorted decor (vase, cup, stacked cups, roll cake, piece of roll cake - 1Li each) / Each Item can be also sold seperatly / Assorted decor only comes with table / Bench is available as PG or Adult Version / Chair and bench includes a texture changer menu when sitting and clicking and the table by clicking (each with 3 metals and 3 woods) / Chair is a solo sitter with 22 Animation / PG bench includes 25 solo and 10 couple animations (romantic mf) / Adult bench include PG animations + 16 mf animations (+ speed options) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

Deco: Quitegrove Campfire Set
Materials enabled / Garden/outdoor mesh deco / Set includes campfire - 2Li (touch in the center for fire particles and sound), campfire with kettle holder (3Li), mugs tray (1Li, touch for bento animated mug) + deco props (1Li each) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

Deco: Alouin platforms
→ Materials enabled / Fantasy/magic garden/outdoor mesh deco / Includes 2 types each with and w/o TPscript / 3 LI / Comes with Customizing HUD (3 Stone colors for plattform and tinting option for water) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

Building: Littlewoods wagon
→ Cute little mesh building / 30 LI + 1LI (for climbing prim) / ~12x7m footprint / Kool door scripted door with access list per click / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Raindale (MP / Instagram / Flickr)

oтнer credιтѕ

Background (Deco): 
Swaying Leafy Bush (Dysfunctionality)
Short Grass Dark Meadow (KIDD GRASS Garden)
Orb Tree (LORE)
Witch Stone Lights (LORE)
Great Horned Owl (Half-Deer)
Ferret Companion & Wanderer (JIAN)
Calico Cat Pack (Just Animals)
Siamese Cat Pack (Just Animals)
Crystal Clusters (Celeste)
Enchanted Woods (Studio Skye)