ѕponѕor credιтѕ
Armor: Mythical Armor
→ Fantasy themed body armor rigged for Belleza Jake and Legacy Male / Includes upper armor, lower armor and cod piece / Comes with color HUD (6 Colors for upper armor, lower armor and cod piece) / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans
Tattoo (Armor): Mythical Armor Enhancements*
→ Fantasy themed body and face Tattoo / Comes as BOM tattoo layers only (SLUV) / Includes 7 colors matching the Mythical Armor Fatpack and Mythical Armor Chromatic Exclusive (Exclusiv is only avaible during Event) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
Both from Somnium (Flickr / MP / FB) @ The Warehouse Sale ( *This Item is the Anniversary round Gift for the Warehouse sale
Tattoo: Avian Ibrida Tattoo - dove (Aii)
Pose/Prop: Water Willer 3 (F*cking Ninjas')
Horns: Twisted Dragon Horns V1 (Aii)
Claws: Fallen Filth Claw (CerberusXing)
Background (Deco): The Doorway Backdrop (Synnergy)
Skin: Wonho skin - Milk for LeluEvo (Avoixs) @ Men Only Hunt (07.08-30.08.2021)
Some parts from "Flooded Room Backdrop" (Synnergy)