ѕponѕor credιтѕ
→ Unrigged unisex Accessoires / Original mesh and textures / Features 10+ SFX & VFX / Available in 4 Colors (Blue, pink, purple and silver) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes female and male claws, HUD and gestures / Single HUD featues 2 Skills (Berserker Combo and Healing Factor), Claws Type (choose between 1, 2 or 3 claws), Flame Aura&Melee On/Off function and Draw/Sling function / Fatpack HUD also features Texture select (15 claw textures), Change color Aura (14 colors) and 5 more Skills (Tornado Claw, Claw Slash, Berserker Slash, Drill Claw and Fatal Claw) / Flamewar and Snowar compatible / Copy only!
From Tanaka (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed) and Trevor (MP / FB / Flickr / Primfeed) @ Gothcore (24.07.-12.08.2024) *Blue is 10% during Event!
Outfit: Electra
→ Roleplay themed mesh outfit rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/LaraX) and Legacy Female / Original mesh and textures! / Available in 8 colors (Brown, cyan, gold, green, pink, purple, red and silver) / Copy Only!
From JANGKA (MP/ Flickr)
Hair: Hair Zhongli (SINTIKLIA)
Eyes: Cyborg Eyes (Repulse)
Make-up: Melissa Eyeliner (PolarBunny)
Lipstick: Bubblegum Lipgloss (Nuve)
Make-up: Melissa Eyeliner (PolarBunny)
Lipstick: Bubblegum Lipgloss (Nuve)