Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Post 951 - Axis Mundi, #SCHOEN and Fluffy Kreations @ We Love Roleplay, Del-ka Aedilis and JANGKA


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Accessory: Serpent Of Chaos - Apophis

→ Roleplay/Fantasy themed unisex animesh accessory/companion / Original mesh and textures! / Includes 2 versions (with and w/o armor) and Texture HUD / HUD features 5 plain scales, 5 patterned scales, 8 eye colors, 6 colors for 2 faces (mouth and tongue), 4 teeth colors, 5 metals, 2 leathers, 5 metals trims, 4 "tattoo" layers in black and white + no tattoo, hide/show for 6 faces (armors+horns) and tinting options for every part / Copy Only!

From Axis Mundi (MP/ Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.03-28.03.2024) *15 % off during Event! 

Accessory: Scrolling - Scrolls Set
→ Roleplay themed  unisex accessory / Original mesh and textures! / Materials enabled / Includes 5 versions (each for left and right except open scroll which is included as Illustrated and Customize Verison) and Texture HUD / HUD features 8 colors/pattern for official scrolls and simple scroll seal / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From #SCHOEN (MPFlickr / FB / Instagram) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.03-28.03.2024) *25 % off during Event! 

Deco/Building/Accessory: Roleplay Tents
Roleplay themed unisex deco, building and accessory / Original mesh and textures! / Materials enabled / Available in 2 Verisons (Each in 10 Colors/Pattern or as one of 2 Fatpacks (colors or furs) / Each tent includes barrel, box and 2 tents (for female and male) / Tent 1 (4LI), Tent 2 (6 LI), Barrel (2 LI) and Box (1 LI) / Tents featuring menu by click: Access, collapse, pack up, pick up and unpack + close/open door and hide/show snow add-on (Menu varies depending on the state of the tent) / Tent can be carried/weared when packed up! / Barrel and box can be covered by click / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fluffy Kreations (MPFlickr / Twitter/X) @ We Love Roleplay (Website / FB / Flickr / X / Instagram) (04.03-28.03.2024) *30 % off during Event! 

Furniture/Deco: Civitas Series - Tablinum Desk Set Agrippa
→ Roleplay themed mesh furniture and deco / Original mesh and textures! / Available as 2 packs (Curule Chairs and Tablinum Table) or as Fatpack (Includes extra decorations) / Curule Chairs including 9 chairs in total in 3 wood options: dark, light and medium X 3 cushion options: linen, pattern1 and pattern2 (1 LI each) / Tablinum Table includes table only (1 LI) / Fatpack includes all chairs and table + additional decorations (3 Open Scrolls, 3 Roman Writing Sets, Oil Lamp, Penholder and Inkwell + 3 soft linked Desk Sets examples) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

Outfit: Hathor
Roleplay themed mesh outfit rigged for Maitreya LaraX and Legacy Female / Original mesh and textures! / The full outfit consists of 3 parts (Armbands, Boots and Outfit) / Outfit is available in 7 colors (Blue, Brown, Cyan, Kaki, Purple, Red and White) / Boots are available in 3 colors (Black,  Brown and Gold) / Armbands are available in 1 colors only! / Copy Only!

From JANGKA (MP/ Flickr)

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Noel 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Domestication and Hunter Collection (Gloom)
Claws: Smokey Ombre - Stilettos (Veechi)
Hair: No Extreme (No Match)
Lip and nose piercing: Desire (LittleFish)
Face Piercing: Laila (LittleFish)

Background (Deco):
Secret of Desert.Backdrop - EDITED (K&S)
Palms, plants and stones are from Tropical Beach Backdrop (Focus Poses)
The Dusty Parlor - Messy Rugs (Lux Aeterna)
Persian Rugs - Reds (Zerkalo)
The Den - Fatpack (Zerkalo)