Monday, December 18, 2023

Post 911 - SK and Antaya @ We Love Roleplay and Fantavatar & Moonstruck


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Dress: Ariede
Rigged for Maitreya Lara (LaraX/PetiteX and Legacy Female (Original and Perky) / Original mesh and textures / Available in 11 colors (Black, blue, green, grey, magenta, malva, orange, pink, red, teal and yellow) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes armbands, belt, dress,necklaces and vest / Fatpack also includes texture HUD featuring 11 colors for 3 faces (Blouse, dress and skirt) / Copy only!

From SK (MP / Flickr / FB) @ We Love Roleplay (04.12-29.12.2023) *25 % off during Event!

Accessory: Slavic fur hat "Boyar"
→ Unrigged roleplay themed unisex mesh hat / Fatpack only! / Includes Hat and Texture HUD / Texture HUD features 8 colors in 2 Styles (pattern or uni) for hat and 8 colors for fur / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (04.12-29.12.2023) *25 % off during Event!

Decoration: Villa Borghese - Topiary Garden Set 
Original Mesh and Textures / Materials enabled / 1-14 LI / Includes 10 pieces (Arch, cube, curved edge, curved wall, edge, obelisk, pear, pillar, sphere and wall) and Season HUD / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck (FB / MP / Flickr)

Accessory: Young Lady Necklace
→ Original Mesh and Textures / Materials enabled / Includes Necklace and Customizing HUD / HUD features 4 gem colors for 4 faces, 2 metals and resize option / Copy only!

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck (FB / MP / Flickr

Accessoire: Fur stole "Hilda" (Antaya) ==> Post 173
Top: BOM Modesty Shirt with Mesh Collar "Erica" (Antaya) ==> Post 594

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Ceylon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: IKON Charm Eyes - Paradise (IKON)
Brows: Emily Eyebrows (Nuve)
Hair: Smitten - VIP Gift* (Truth) *350 L$ Group Fee

Background (Deco):
Swaying Leafy Bush (Dysfunctionality)
Enchanted Woods (Skye)
Fluffy Grass (Dysfunctionality)
Akagi Pathway (BALACLAVA!!)