Monday, July 31, 2023

Post 842 - JANGKA, Aerth and Synnergy Tavis


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Outfit: Daphnis
→ Fantasy/Fairy themed mesh outfit rigged for Maitreya Lara and Legacy Female / Original mesh and textures! / The full outfit consists of 3 parts (Armbands, boots and outfit) / Each part is available in 6 colors (Autumn, cyan, purple, spring, summer and Winter) / Copy Only!

From JANGKA (MPFlickr

Accessoires: Stellaris Staff
Unrigged wearable unisex accessory / Includes three differnt holding styles / Available as 3 color packs (silver/gold/black) or as Fatpack / Editing skills are required! / Includes normal textures + speculars textures / Fatpack includes 5 extra colors and 3 poses for photos / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Aerth (MP / FB / Flickr)

Backdrop: Elegant Flowering Garden
Fantasy/Nature themed mesh Backdrop / 140 LI / Materials enabled / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Synnergy Tavis (MP / FB / Insta / Flickr)

Wings: Aeldyn Outfit (JANGKA) ==> Post 608

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What I wear:
Head: Head Gaia 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Hair: the Swim Hair (Olive)
Eyes: Babylon Eyes - Tropics (IKON)
Claws: Beast Claws (Conviction)

Background (Deco): 
Swirling Rune Cards (Rivendale)