Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Post 830 - Rakshasa and Del-ka Aedilis @ We Love Roleplay


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Dress: Ubbe Tunic*
→ Medieval/Historically themed mesh Outfit / Rigged for Belleza Jake, Legacy Athletic, Signature Gianni and Inithium Kario (Flex) / Tunic is available in 4 single colors (Black, beige, brown and white), pants is available as sold seperatly KIT Pack or get both as Fatpack / Each single color pack includes tunic, pants and BOM Alpha / Pants KIT Pack includes pants, belt, BOM Alpha and Texture HUD / Pants Texture HUD features 6 colors for 5 faces (pants, lace, belt main, belt middle and border) and 3 Metals + hide/show ankles and Materials on/off / Fatpack includes belt, tunic, pants, BOM Alpha and texture HUD / Fatpack texture HUD features same colors as Pant kit for belt and pant + 12 colors for tunic and 6 leathers for 2 faces (sleeves and sleeves border + long/short sleeves option and Materials on/off / Sinlge colors are Copy Only! / Pant KIT Pack and Fatpack are Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Rakshasa / Former "R3D Studio" (MP / Flickr / FB) @ We Love Roleplay (04.07-29.07.2023) *25 % off during Event

Building/Furniture: Herbalist's Full Set*
→ Medieval themed mesh Building and Furniture / Orignal mesh an textures / Materials enabled / Only available as sold seperatly pieces / The Full Set consists of 6 pieces (Bed, chair, cot, fireplace, shelf and worktable  / Cot includes two Verisons (w/o plants which is 11 LI and with plants which is 28 LI) and features a Kool door scripted door and shutters with access list per click / Chair includes two versions of the chair (w/o or with fur deco both are 1 LI) and featuring female and male sit animations / Fireplace includes 2 versions (w/o or with deco shelf both are 2 LI) featuring on/off fire per click / Bed is available in two versions (PG and Adult) both are 2LI and sold seperatly / PG Bed features solos (female and male) and unisex lays / Adult bed features the same animations as the PG version + Adult and cuddle menu / Shelf and Worktable are decoration only and both ar 2 LI / All pieces are Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Del-ka Aedilis (MP / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (04.07-29.07.2023) *25 % off during Event

Shoes: Gerd Boots - Male Rakshasa / Former "R3D Studio" ==> Post 599

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Head: Head Eon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Hair: NA26 (Dura)
Eyes: Tina Eyes (Velour)
Claws: Beast Claws (Conviction)
Scars Body: Body Scars (Izzie's)
Scar Face: Lucrezia Scar (This is Wrong)
Pose/Axe: Male Holding Axe 2 (Act 5)
Accessory: Bjorn Scythe (Broken Arrows)
Accessory: Animated Lantern - Group Gift (CREATiCA)

Backdrop (deco):
Woodcutters Saw Tree (Moon Sha)
Wolf Adult Animesh (Rezz Room)
Snappy Grass (celeste.sanct)
Enchanted Woods (Studio Skye)
Dirt Road (HPMD)