Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Post 812 - SK @ Sense Event, Extra, LittleFish and Short Leash


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Outfit: Janire Outfit
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite), Legacy Female (Original and Perky) and eBody Reborn / Original mesh and textures / The full outfit consists of 3 parts (Top, Pants and Shoes)/ Top is available in 8 colors or as Fatpack / Top Fatpack includes Textue HUD with 8 colors / Pants is available in 5 colors or as Fatpack / Pants Fatpack includes Textue HUD with 5 colors / Shoes Fatpack includes Texture HUD which features 3 colors for 2 faces (metals and Base) and 2 colors for Heel / Shoes are Fatpack only! / Copy only!

From SK (MP / Flickr / FB) @ Sense Event (18.05.-28.05.2023)

Pose: Happily Waiting (REMASTERED)
→ Family themed couple bento pose / Includes Poseballs and animations / Normal and mirror poses included (with or w/o facial expressions) / Copy only!

From Extra (MP / Flickr / FB

Hand Accessory: Medusa
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara, Legacy Female, eBody Reborn and Belleza Gen.X / Available in 4 Body packs (same as listet before) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes Medusa Accessory and Customizing HUD (16 Metals for body and 11 gem colors for eyes + Materials function (none/low/med/high) and show/hide function for left/right) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From LittleFish (MP / FB / Flickr)

Furniture/Deco:  Buoyant Balloons - Birthday
→  Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / RLV capture and Lockguard scripted / Kinky holiday themed unisex furniture/RLV trap / Seats 1 Submissive (Captures and pulls the sub into the air to float!) / Balloons gently float up and down / Includes Balloons and texture HUD / Texture HUD features 2 tags and 9 colors for 3 faces (Balloon 1-3) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB)

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Milan 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: IKON Sovereign Eyes - Leonin (IKON)
Claws: Short Claws (L'Emporio)
Hair: Magnolia Hair (Ravenbell)
Collar: The Collar of O (Short Leash)
Rings: Ragnarok Rings (Badwolf)

Head: Alain Head 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Jake V3 BOM/Bento (Belleza)
Eyes: Ascension Redux Eyes - Field (IKON)
Hair: ES0405 (Wings)
Beard: Beard & Applier 21B. 1207 - 03 (REDZ3N)
Claws: Damned Claws & Rings (L'Emporio)
Tattoo: Tribal - WW501 (Letis Tattoo)
Top: Augusto Hoodie (Mazzaro)
Pants: Ethan.Pants (Mossu)

Backdrop (deco):
Fall Gate Backdrop (Synnergy Tavis)