ѕponѕor credιтѕ
→ Rigged for Legacy Female and eBody Reborn / Original mesh and textures / Sweater is available in 6 Styles (Anime, black, nocturne, ushi, ushi choc and yokai) or as Fatpack (Including sweater and panties) / Panties are available in 2 colors (black and white) or as Fatpack (Including sweater and panties) / Fatpack includes 2 bonus colors for panties (Nocturne and yokai) / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans
→ Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Unrigged wearable kinky accessory with resizer / Includes 3 versions of the Collar (Open Collar, Whim scripted and unscripted versions) and texture HUD / Texture HUD features 5 metals for 2 faces (metal1 and metal2) and 16 colors for 2 faces (Collar and laces) / Matches Adora's Collection / Copy/Mod/NoTransfer or NoCopy/Mod/Trans
→ Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / Available in three sold separately versions (PG, Adult Vanilla and Adult Kink) / 17 LI - 17 LI (+ 9LI) / PG Version includes 190 Animations: Individuals for female and male + PG Cuddels for MF/FF/MM, PG Kisses for MF/FF and PG Curled for MF / Adult Vanilla Version includes 288 animations (Same as the PG Animations + Adult Vanilla Menu: Facing, ForePlayHer, ForePlayHim, HerTopFwd, HerTopRev, HimTop, HimBehind and Rough for MF, Foreplay and StrapOn for FF and Foreplay and Sex for MM / Adult Kink Version includes 550 Animations (Same as PG and Adult Vanilla + Adult Kink Menü (Included in the rezzable Trap): SoloSub, TiedPlay, BedPlay, BedSex and HangPlay for Fem and MaleDom / TiedStrapOn and HangStrapOn for FemDom and TiedSex, Rough and HangSex for MaleDom / Texture changer menu + rezz trap and deco (drapes and fairy lights) included by clicking the logo button / Texture menu features 10 Metals and 24 Fabrics (Gradient, linen and roses) for three faces (Comforter, large pillows and small pillows) / Matches the other Valentine Items / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
Furniture: Valentine - Vanity (Femdom)
→ Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / Available in three sold separately versions (PG, Adult Vanilla and Adult Kink) / 10 LI / PG Version includes 100+ Animations: SoloPrimp, SoloDance, CuddlesStand, CuddlesSit and Kisses / Adult Vanilla Version includes 170+ animations (Same as the PG Animations + Adult Vanilla Menu: ForHer, ForHim, ChairSex and VanityTopSex / Adult Kink Version includes 320+ Animations (Same as PG and Adult Vanilla + Adult Kink (FemDom) Menü: Sits, Couple, Foot/Hands, Spanks, ForHerPleasure, ForHisTorment, FloorFun and Activities/ Texture changer menu included by clicking the logo button / Texture menu features 10 Metals and 14 Fabrics for two faces (Hem and main) / Matches the other Valentine Items / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Dictatorshop (MP/ FB / Flickr)
Decoration: Valentine - Nightstand
→ Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / 2 LI / Texture changer menu included by clicking the logo button / Texture menu features 10 Metals and 14 Fabrics for two faces (Hem and main) / Matches the other Valentine Items / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Dictatorshop (MP/ FB / Flickr)
→ Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / 2 LI / Texture changer menu included by clicking the logo button / Texture menu features 10 Metals and 14 Fabrics for two faces (Hem and main) / Matches the other Valentine Items / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Dictatorshop (MP/ FB / Flickr)