ѕponѕor credιтѕ
→ Rigged for Belleza Jake, Legacy Male, Signature Gianni, Inithium Kario (Flex) and Aesthetic Enzo / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Available in 2 styles (Leather and fabric) x 4 colors (Fabric: black, brown, red and white or Leather: beige, black, brown and red) as Kitpacks (Tunic Fabric, Tunic Leather or Pants) or as Fatpack / Tunic Leather and Fabric Kit pack includes: Tunic, Pants and 1 Texture HUD (Either fabric or leather) / Both Tunic Kit HUDs featuring 12 Textures for 6 faces (shirt, shirt borders, shirt stripes, pants side, pants front and pants borders + 6 colors for 2 faces (belt and metals) + long/short sleeves, show/hide pants ankles and materials on/off function / Pants Kit pack includes Pants and Texture HUD/s Leather and Fabric both featuring 12 textures for 3 faces (Pants side, pants front and pants borders) , hide/show ankles and materials on/off function / Fatpack Includes everything listed above / Single colors are Copy only! / Kitpacks and Fatpack are Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Rakshasa / Former "R3D Studio" (MP / Flickr / FB) @ We Love Roleplay (04.03-31.03.2021) 25 % off during the Event!
→ Historical themed mesh Deco / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Each piece is sold separately (Boxes, Forge Brokk, Furnace Brokk and/or Tooltable Brokk) or as Fatpack / Fatpack includes Charcoal + Iron Ore Box, Forge Brokk and Furnace Brokk (each with or w/o Dragon carvings) + Tooltable Brokk / Forge Brokk and Furnace Brokk are 2 LI each / Charcoal and Iron Ore Box + Tooltable Brokk are 1 LI each / Forge Brokk and Furnace Brokk featuring light/sound per click (on/off) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Del-ka Aedilis (MP / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (04.03-31.03.2021) 25 % off during the Event!
→ Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Medieval themed RP oriented wall decor with resizer / 3 LI / Includes Carnifex's Tools Deco and Texture HUD / Texture HUD features 7 metals for 5 faces (hook metal, shackles, metal accents, blades and clamps) and 7 woods / Matches the Carnifex's Collection / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB) @ We Love Roleplay (04.03-31.03.2021) 25 % off during the Event!
Pose: Carranam
→ Couple Bento pose / Pack includes pose balls only! / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans
From Aelithe (MP / FB / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (04.03-31.03.2021) 25 % off during the Event!
→ Couple Bento pose / Pack includes pose balls only! / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans
From Aelithe (MP / FB / Flickr) @ We Love Roleplay (04.03-31.03.2021) 25 % off during the Event!
Claws: Beast Claws (Conviction)
Hair: Hair Luna (Sintiklia)
Fur Rugs (NeonSheep)