ѕponѕor credιтѕ
→ Lolita/Goth themed mesh accessoire / Original mesh and textures / Fatpack only! / Includes ribbon necklace rigged for Legacy female, eBody Reborn, Belleza GenX and unrigged Version + unrigged pearl necklace and texture HUD / Texture HUD features 7 colors for ribbon, 6 colors for pearls, 5 colors for roses and 3 colors for skull / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Antaya (MP / FB / Flickr) @ Nightshade (20.10.-01.11.2022) *25% off during Event
→ Original mesh / Materials enabled / Available as holdable, decor, or fatpack version / All trays serve drinkable bento animatd wine glasses when clicked / Holdable includes bento animation (AO friendly - You can use your AO, kneel, etc and *still* hold tray properly) / 3 LI for decor version / All packs including a color/texture HUD (5 metals for tray and bowl and 10 colors for napkin / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB) @ Nightshade (20.10.-01.11.2022) *25% off during Event
→ Vampire/Fantasy themed mesh deco / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / 3 LI / Includes table and Texture HUD / HUD features 5 metal for 5 faces (bats, base, stands, accent 1 and accent 2) and 14 gems / Matches Lilith's Collection / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB)
Dress: Dress Sofie
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite), Legacy Female (Original/Perky), Belleza (Freya/Isis/Venus), Inithium Kupra (Original/Kups) and eBody Reborn / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Available in four Single colors or as Fatpack / Fatpack includes dress, BOM alphas (with or w/o sleeves) and Customizing HUD / Customizing HUD features 12 colors/textures for 7 faces (border, corset, dress, sleeves, sleeve-lace1, sleeve-lace2 and tunic) + show/hide option for corset, skirt, top and tunic + materials on/off function / Single colors are copy only / Fatpack is Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From R3D Studio (MP / Flickr / FB)
Accessoire: Basic Gloves
→ BOM Gloves / Includes Tatto layers only fitted for Legacy Female and eBody Reborn / Available in 3 colorpacks (Black, brown and white) or as Fatpack / Each color pack includes 1 Unicolor + 6 fades / Copy only!
→ BOM Gloves / Includes Tatto layers only fitted for Legacy Female and eBody Reborn / Available in 3 colorpacks (Black, brown and white) or as Fatpack / Each color pack includes 1 Unicolor + 6 fades / Copy only!
Deco/Building: Domain Builder Kit (Somnium) ==> Post 495
Decoration: Tropical Planter - GroupGift (Only your Imagination) ==> Post 624
Old curtains with HUD (Dreamcatcher)
Eyes: Elysian Eyes - Ruby (Avi Glam)
Hair: Serenity Hair (Aii & Ego's HAIR HELL)
Hair: Serenity Hair (Aii & Ego's HAIR HELL)
Backdrop (deco):
Flying Bats (Moon Sha)Garden Ruin Bench (Simply Shelby)
Curtain Display 010 (T-3D Creations) Old curtains with HUD (Dreamcatcher)