Monday, September 12, 2022

Post 675 - PolarBunny @ Anthem, Petrichor and ERSCH @ The Warehouse Sale and Six Feet Under

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Make-up: Azrael Face Paint
 Fantasy/Dark themed unisex make-up / Fatpack only! / For EvoX heads only! / Includes BOM Layers only! / 3 layers (ears, face&neck and skull) in 2 opacity's (fresh and faded)   / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From PolarBunny (MP / Flickr / FB / Twitter) @ Anthem (03.09.-30.09.2022)

Outfit: Demeter Cuffs (Female)
 Rigged mesh Cuffs / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite), Legacy Female (Original/Perky), eBody Reborn (Original/Mounds) and Inithium Kupra / Cuffs are available in 3 Style packs (color, metal and random) or as Fatpack (which also includes the sold separately Body ribbon and lace panty) / Lacy Panty and Body ribbon coming with HUD feauturing 40 colors / Each Style pack including 2 HUDs each with 40 colors (for base/metal and gems) + show/hide HUD for 14 faces / Lower thigh cuffs are rigged forMaze Soft Thighs MOD (can be show and hide per HUD) / Fatpack including Bonus HUD with 40 fades for gems / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr) and ERSCH (MP / Flickr) @ The Warehouse Sale (23.08.-18.09.2022) *20% off durigng Event

Outfit: Lyanara
 Rigged mesh Outfit / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Rigged for Maitreya Lara (Original/Petite), Legacy Female (Original/Perky), eBody Reborn (Original/Mounds/Juicy) and Inithium Kupra / Available in 4 Style packs (fabric, glitz, gloss or vibe) or 10 colorpacks (Cameo, essence, huntress, mana, oak, petal, sanguine, shadwow, skyy and snow) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes texture HUD with 12 metals and 40 gem colors / Each style pack includes 1 HUD with 40 colors for arms, skirt, top and panty + show hide for each part / Fatpack includes 1 Bonus Stylpack (Aged) / Contains: Outfit, skirt gems and upper gems + respective HUDs / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr) and ERSCH (MP / Flickr)

Face Accessoire: Athame Nose Chain
Unrigges unisex accessoire with resizer / Original mesh and textures / Materials enabled / Includes left, right and both version + texture HUD / Texture HUD features 8 metals for 6 faces / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

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Head: Head Ceylon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: eBODY - Reborn (eBODY)
Hair: Celeste Hair (Raven Bell)
Eyes: Collyrium Eyes (CURELESS)
Accessoire: Possessed Skulls (Static)
Hairpins: Skull hairpin - Group Gift (Dreamcatcher)
Tattoos: Inked (Stoic)
Claws: ROCAILLE.Claws & Armor Rings (Pendulum)
Body-Mod: Soft Thighs BoM (MAZE)

Background (Deco):
Backdrop Shrine of the Witches (Unicorn)
Bushes 1.0 (Fundati)