Monday, February 28, 2022

Post 519 - Antaya and Short Leash @ Enchantment and Synnergy


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Accessoire: Linen gown "Celena"
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara and Legacy Female (Original/Perky) / Original mesh and textures / Available as 5 color packs (Baby pink, black, red, green and white) or as Fatpack / Single colors includes dress and texture HUD for belt (10 colors) / Fatpack comes with mix and match texture HUD (10 colors for dress and belt) / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr)  @ Enchantment (12.02-05.03.2022) 

Accessoire/Deco: Full Service Tray - Oinochoe
Original mesh / Materials enabled / Available as holdable, decor, or fatpack version / All trays serve drinkable bento animatd goblets when clicked (steel, gold, copper, silver and rose gold) / Holdable includes bento animation (AO friendly - You can use your AO, kneel, etc and *still* hold tray properly) / 3 LI for decor version / All packs including a color/texture HUD (3 colors for tray and jug and 5 metals for goblet and bowl) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB) @ Enchantment (12.02-05.03.2022) 

Backdrop: Pink Rose Hall Backdrop
Romantic/Spring themed backdrop / 190 LI / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Synnergy (MP / FB / Insta / Flickr

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Kaya 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Hair: Hunkaa Hair (Monso)
Eyes: Sol Eyes - Moss (YOSHI)
Necklace: Grecian Charm (NG Designs) Hunt gift for Enchantment Hunt (12.02-05.03.2022) 
Bracelets: "Adonia"(AntayaHunt gift for Enchantment Hunt (12.02-05.03.2022) 
Accessoire: Unrigged Flower Crown (Azalea Bluebell)

Background (Deco):
Great Danes - Adults (JIAN)