Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Post 512 - Elemental and Mansken


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Aura: ''Finger Shooters'' Aura System
→ Fantasy/magic themed Aura/HUD / With AO friendly left arm bento "Shooter" animation / Includes Emitter and customizing HUD / HUD allows you to change swirl spin (alpha/speed/glow), particle alpha, shooting speed and custom (frequency/size) of the Aura / HUD Includes tinting option / Included are 12 particle textures but you can also use a seperat sold particle texture applier for more customizing options / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Elemental (MP / Instagram / Facebook / Flickr)

Necklace: Necklace Eske
Unrigged viking/gor themed Accessoire / Unisex / Available in 3 color packs (Black/grey, black/white and tricolor) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes Necklace (in female and male fit), resize HUD and texture HUD / Color packs including texture HUD (5 metals for necklace and 4 textures for each hanger side) / Fatpack includes mix and match texture HUD (5 metals for necklace and 3 x 4 textures for each hanger side) / Copy/NoMod/NoTransfer

From Mansken (MP / Flickr)

Outfit: Viking Tunic Rowland (R3D Studio) @ We <3 RP (04.02-28.02.2022) *25% off during Event ==> Post 506
Facepaint: Rorschach (Elemental) ==> Post 405

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Eon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Jake V3 BOM/Bento (Belleza)
Skin: Dom Skin (Avarosa)
Eyes:Ultaar Eyes (YOSHI)
Hair: Hair Rowan (Sintiklia)
Claws: Beast Claws (Conviction)
Tattoo: Basics fades/tats EVOX (Nuuna)

Background (Deco):