Friday, February 11, 2022

Post 504 - N4RS, Dictatorshop, Short Leash and Li Li's Monsta Designs


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Furniture: N4RS Winter Romance
 Original mesh and textures / Available in three sold separately versions (PG, Adult MF and Adult MM) / Compatible with The Physics Penis and Vagina, Aeros and It's NOT Mine! / Materials enabled / Set Includes Pillow+plaid, 2 baskets (empty/plaid) and 3 candles (with flame, no flame and dripping) / 10 LI (Pillow+plaid) + 2-3 LI (baskets and candles) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From N4RS (FB / MP / Flickr)

Furniture: Mode - Console Cage (Adult Kink - Single Sitter)
→ Original textures and mesh with strong LOD / Materials enabled / 6 LI /  / RLV capture enabled / Over 30 Animations for female and male / Texture changer menu included by clicking the Logo button on side / Texture menu includes 8 Woods for frame and 6 metals for bars and details / Matches the other Mode Items / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Dictatorshop (MPFB / Flickr

Decortion: Playtime Bondage Toy Box 
→ Kinky bondage oriented deco with resizer / Materials enabled / 3 LI / Original mesh / Includes Box and textur HUD / Texture HUD includes (5 metals for metal details and paddel handls, 10 wood and 12 box tags for box, 14 colors for toys 1 and 2 + heart paddle, 15 rope colors for Rope 1-3 and 10 woods for frat paddle) / Matches the Playtime Collection / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

Decortion: Playtime Toys Set #2
→ Kinky bondage oriented deco with resizer / Materials enabled / 2 LI each / Original mesh / Includes bondage rings, single rope and rope duo + texture HUD / Texture HUD includes (5 metals for bondage ring 1 and 2 + 15 rope colors for bondage ring rope, single rope and rope duo 1+2) / Matches the Playtime Collection / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Short Leash (MP Flickr / FB)

Accessoire: Shackles (U-Bind)
 Unrigged unisex accesoire / Materials enabled / Lockable via RLV / With AO friendly bondage animation for upper body when locked (You can use your AO, kneel, etc and still being hold in place properly) / RLV Menu includes Lock, Owner, RLV Restrictions (touch, teleport, misc, pay and clothing) and Leash / SL editing skills are may required to fit / One color only, but tintable per SL Editing tool / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Gaia 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Freya V6 BOM/BENTO (Belleza)
Claws: Beast Claws (Conviction)
Hair: Andromeda Hair (Yomi)
Chasitybelt: Narcissa Chastity Belt (Ravenoid)
Whip markings: Real Spanker Ass (Pretty Liars)

Head: Head Devon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Jake V3 BOM/Bento (Belleza)
Hairs: B106 (Dura)
Claws: Damned Claws & Rings (L'Emporio)
Earrings: Xander Earrings (L'Emporio)
Jacket: Calvin Jacket (Mossu)
Pants: Ethan Pants (Mossu)
Pants: Rebel.Boots (Mossu)
Tattooo: Kroppi Tattoo (Endless Pain Tattoos)

Background (Deco):
Sombre Skybox (Varonis)
Eldritch Rune Rug (3rd eye)
BDSM Tool Box - Group Gift (Fapple)