Thursday, January 20, 2022

Post 488 - Antaya @ Midnight Order, Fantavatar & Moonstruck and REKT


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Stole: Fur stole "Roksana" *
→ Rigged for Maitreya Lara and Legacy Female / Available in 3 colors (Black, Brown and White) or as Fatpack / Each pack includes 2 Versions (Normal and Soft) / Fatpack includes Texture HUD (6 colors and 4 patterns for fur + 6 colors for ribbons) / Copy Only!

From Antaya (MP FB / Flickr) @ Midnight Order (20.01.-20.02.2022) *25% Off durig Event

Hair: Oblivion - Sansa Stark

→ Rigged historical/medieval themed mesh hair / Comes with Color HUD ( 30 hair colors + 2 metals for hairband and strings) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Fantavatar & Moonstruck (FB / MP / Flickr)

Wings: Morgana's & Crow's Wings
→ Bento rigged fantasy themed accessoire / One Size! / Includes 2 colors (Morgana and crow) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From REKT (MP / Flickr)

Earrings/Piercings: Mephisto Piercings (Six Feet Under) ==> Post 480

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Head: Head Ceylon 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Eyes: Occulyn Eyes (Petrichor)
Piercings: EziliV2 (LittleFish)
Claws: The Claws V.2 (Conviction)
Rings: Ragnarok Rings (Badwolf)
Lipstick:  Dark Ombre (Nuve)
Dress: Celebration -Dress (Beautiful Dirty Rich)
Necklace: Necklace - Witch (ANDORE)
Crow: Common Crow Pair (CKit Falconry)

Background (Deco): 
The Door BackDrop (TROPIX)