Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Post 374 - Short Leash, EscalateD, LuluB and Synnergy

ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Necklace: Nerida's Necklace
→ Materials enabled / Wearable RLV scripted kinky accessory / Unrigged with resizer / includes Open Collar, Peanut and Whim scripted versions + non scripted version / Comes with color/texture HUD (2 metals, 7 colors for pearls and 14 colors/texture for shell, coral and cord) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Short Leash (MP Flickr / FB)

Hair: Kinzey
→ Rigged mesh hair/ Includes streaks and duo option / Also can be weared as solid colored hair / Comes in busty and regular option in right an left verion / Includes unrigged Diadem with resizer /  Comes with color/texture HUD for Diadem (8 metals and 16 gems) / Includes natural+unnatural Textur HUDS (each with 40 colors and materials option) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From EscalateD (MP Flickr / FB)

To achive the same look as I you need to buy the following Universal HUD:

Special DipDye 2018 Universal HUD
→ HUD Includes 10 dips/fades to choose from / materials option / works with all hairstyles sold before Feb 2020

From EscalateD (MP Flickr / FB) For more infos about the Universal HUDS Click here

Accessoires: Dead Sea
→ Fantasy themed unrigged mesh Aura / With particle and light effects / Available in 10 colors or as Fatpack / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From LuluB (MP / FB / Flickr)

Backdrop: Stormy Seas
→ Sea/Lighthousse themed backdrop / 60 LI / Includes static and animated version / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Synnergy (MP / FB / Insta / Flickr)

Skin: 'Folkor' Fantasy Skin - Blue (Elemental) ==> Post 307

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: CATWA HEAD Dino (Catwa)
Teeth: CATWA TEETH Add-On [C] (Catwa)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Male (Meshbody)
Eyes: Suki Fairy Eyes (YOSHI)
Ears: Fantasy Bento B.O.M. Dragon Ears - VIP Group Gift (aii)
Claws: The Claws V.2 (Conviction)
Tattoo: Quetza Tattoo - Group Gift (AERTH)
Scales: Male mermaid scale (Antaya)
Gills: Realistic Gills (The Sirens Liar)
Tail: Nemissa (Cynefin)