Monday, August 23, 2021

Post 361 - Short Leash and Petrichor @ The Warehouse Sale and Six Feet Under


ѕponѕor credιтѕ

Collar: Splendor Collar
→ Original mesh / Materials enabled / Unrigged wearable RLV scripted accessory with resizer / Includes Open Collar, Peanut and Whim scripted versions + non scripted version / Comes with color/texture HUD (5 metals for collar and lock) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Short Leash (MP Flickr / FB) @ The Warehouse Sale (23.08.-18.09.2021)

Accessoire: Malevi Orbs
Unrigged animated wearable fantasy themed accessoires / Original mesh and Textures / Comes as static, rotating and simple version for right and left / Includes animated earings in the same Style as the Orbs / Orbs are with animation menü per click (11 Animations) / Includes 2 HUDs Smooth (28 metals for orb and rings, 50 colors for glass/orbs and 10 metals for earrings hook +  toggle buttons for inner orb and glass) and Noise (30 metals for orb and rings, 50 colors for glass/orbs and 10 metals for earrings hook +  toggle buttons for inner orb and glass) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Petrichor (MP / FB / Flickr) @ The Warehouse Sale (23.08.-18.09.2021)

Shoes: Eclipse Slides
→ Original mesh / Materials enabled / Rigged for Maitreya, Legacy, Slink and Kupra / Includes texture HUD (4 metals for details) / Copy/NoMod/NoTrans

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: Head Ryn 3.1 (LeLUTKA)
Body: Meshbody Legacy Female (Meshbody)
Hairs: B108 (Dura)
Eyeshadow: Ryn Monolid Eyeshadows (Izzie's)
Eyes: Ocean Breeze Eyes (ARTE)
Claws: The Claws V.2 (Conviction)
Rings: Ragnarok Rings (Badwolf)
Tights: Feety peet bling and tights (Rainworx Labs)
Hoodie: Gwen Hoodie (Ascend)

Background (Deco): 
Daytime Rooftop Backdrop - EDITED (Synnergy)