ѕponѕor credιтѕ
→ Materials enabled / Wearable RLV scripted accessory / Unrigged with resizer / includes Open Collar, Peanut and Whim scripted versions + non scripted version / Includes small and large fit / Sold separately or as Set with "The Shackles of O" / Matches O's Collection / Comes with color/texture HUD (5 metals for metal and O-ring) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
Cuffs: The Shackles of O*
→ Materials enabled / Wearable RLV scripted accessory / Unrigged with resizer / includes wrist and ankle cuffs / Ankle cuffs are included as whim scripted or unscripted version / Wrist Cuffs are included as peanut scripted, whim scripted and unscripted versions / Includes small and large fit / Sold separately or as Set with "The Collar of O" / Matches O's Collection / Comes with color/texture HUD (5 metals for metal and O-ring) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
→ Materials enabled / Wearable RLV scripted accessory / Unrigged with resizer / includes wrist and ankle cuffs / Ankle cuffs are included as whim scripted or unscripted version / Wrist Cuffs are included as peanut scripted, whim scripted and unscripted versions / Includes small and large fit / Sold separately or as Set with "The Collar of O" / Matches O's Collection / Comes with color/texture HUD (5 metals for metal and O-ring) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
Both fom Short Leash (MP / Flickr / FB) @ We love Role-Play (04.07-30.07.2021) *25% off during Event
Headpiece: Rococo kokoshnik*
→ Wearable unrigged historical themed headdress / Fatpack only! / Comes with color/texture HUD (7 colors/textures for base + 3 metals for ornaments) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Dreamcatcher (Instagram / FB / Flickr) @ We love Role-Play (04.07-30.07.2021) *25% off during Event
Accessoire: Oculus Bindi*
→ Wearable unrigged accessoire / Includes texture HUD (7 metals, 9 colors for gem 1+2 and show/hide function for shadow) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr) @ 101L Event (19.06.-13.07.2021)* price increase after event to 149 L$
→ Wearable unrigged historical themed headdress / Fatpack only! / Comes with color/texture HUD (7 colors/textures for base + 3 metals for ornaments) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Dreamcatcher (Instagram / FB / Flickr) @ We love Role-Play (04.07-30.07.2021) *25% off during Event
Accessoire: Oculus Bindi*
→ Wearable unrigged accessoire / Includes texture HUD (7 metals, 9 colors for gem 1+2 and show/hide function for shadow) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans
From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr) @ 101L Event (19.06.-13.07.2021)* price increase after event to 149 L$
Eyes: Tama Blue Eyes (YOSHI)
Hairs: Taylah Hair (Moon)
Outfit: Ulrika Lingerie +Waspie (Glitzz)
Claws/Rings: -Rocaille Claws and Armor Rings (Pendulum) @ We love Role-Play (04.07-30.07.2021)