Saturday, May 22, 2021

Post 265 - Short Leash @ Cyberpunk Fair


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Furniture: Cybernetic Cell
→ RLV & capture scripted / cyberpunk inspired kinky indoor/outdoor furniture / include hovering and stationary version / realistic sound with on/off function by touch / 10 solo bento animations / Comes with color/texture HUD (5 metals for metal and hardware and 14 neon bar colors) / Copy/Mod/NoTrans

From Short Leash (MP Flickr / FB) @ Cyberpunk Fair (08.05.-30.05.2021)

oтнer credιтѕ

Head: CATWA HEAD Dino (Catwa)
Body: Jake 2.1 Bento (Belleza)
Ears: Sceleratis Ears (CerberusXing)
Eyes: Suki Fairy Eyes - Hunt Gift (YOSHI) @ A Midsummer Night’s Dream HUNT (08.05.-31.05.2021)
Hair: B106 (Dura)
Make-up: Catwa Guyliner (Izzie's)
Claws: The Claws V.2 (Conviction)
Rings: Ragnarok Rings (Badwolf)
Top: Marc Crop Top - GACHA (4bidden)
Pants: Kombat Pants (Body Factory)
Shoes: Wattie Boots (L'Emporio)

Background (Deco): 
Neon Sanctuary Backdrop (The Bearded Guy)