Monday, August 31, 2020

Post 084 - Six Feet Under - Moon Pentacle Bindi and Wednesday Collar


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Choker: Wednesday Collar
Unrigged Accessoire with resizer / Comes with Textur HUD (3 Metals)

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

Rings: Moon Pentacle Bindi
Unrigged Accessoire with resizer / Comes with Textur HUD (7 Metals for three faces Moon/Star/Ring)

From Six Feet Under (MP / FB / Flickr)

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Head: Genus Head - Baby Face (GENUS Project)
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara (Maitreya)
Hair: Mecca hairstyle (DOUX)
Eyes: Charm Eyes - Abyss (IKON)
Piercings: Casual Goth Piercing (ARTIFICIAL HALLUCINATION)
Ears: Mesh Ears - Cosmos (Andore)
Dress: Crimson Morgana Dress (Oubliette)
Backdrop: Red Core - Asian Walls (The Bearded Guy)